4 Ways To Stop Being A MGTOW
When I wrote my last article on MGTOW, I was glad to see that many people saw the movement for what it was, including many former members who had decided… read more
An Open Letter To The Men Of MGTOW
First, let me start off by saying that I’m not a PUA who’s trying to sell products, I wasn’t commissioned to write this specific piece, and I’m also not a… read more
3 Reasons Neil Strauss And Tucker Max Abandoned The Ideas That Made Them Rich And Famous
The news that Neil Strauss has repudiated game (at least for commercial reasons) did not come as a surprise to me. His newest book, The Truth, means that the first post-2000 mass… read more
Italian Freelancer Elisa Murgese Slanders Roosh With False Criminal Claims
An Italian newspaper ironically named il Fatto Quotidiano “The Daily Fact” has recently jumped on the bandwagon of bashing Roosh. Despite the lack of any “Don’t Bang Italy” publication or comments… read more
Reflections On The Roosh World Tour
It has now been around two months since Roosh visited London on his world tour. The day was very educational and revealing, and I feel it appropriate to discuss some… read more
An Infographic Showing What Male Privilege Really Looks Like
When one is on the unpopular side of an argument, as we here at ROK usually find ourselves, it is incredibly important to have the facts straight. Most of us… read more
Wilkes McDermid Was Yet Another Victim Of A Society That Doesn’t Care About Fulfilling Men’s Basic Needs
“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” -Dr. Seuss On Feb 8, 2015, shortly after enjoying a gourmet steak dinner, Wilkes McDermid, a 39 year-old food blogger and… read more
5 Invaluable Red Pill Lessons I’ve Learned
My introduction to the “manosphere” and the various “red pill” principles was probably quite similar to yours. I was frustrated with the lack of sex and women in my life… read more
New Ontario Sex-Ed Curriculum Shamelessly Pushes SJW Propaganda Onto Kids
Canada’s Ontario province already had a bad reputation as hosting the worst city in North America for men. Obesity, entitlement, and bitchiness coupled with extreme political correctness makes it difficult to… read more
11 Signs You’re Being A Wuss
We need to have a little talk, you and I. No one is perfect. No one is exempt from lapses in discipline, or failures to maintain proper bearing. The important… read more
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