Marie Claire
There was no sobbing or squealing, and Merlin was magnificent.
Following my original post on Dunkirk, I have now seen the movie (twice). I am pleased to report that not only was there no sobbing in the theater, but there… read more
Does this mean there wasn’t any sobbing?
My wife found a hilarious review of Dunkirk by a feminist named Mehera Bonner at Marie Claire: I Think ‘Dunkirk’ Was Mediocre at Best, and It’s Not Because I’m Some… read more
How to spot a player.
A frequent question in the sphere is how to help young women spot a player. The answer is he will be that perfect boyfriend she has been searching for. Laura… read more
Why so many wives wish their husbands would cheat.
A number of readers have pointed out the article on Huffington Post: I Just Wish He Would Have An Affair! Click the link for the full post, but in a… read more
Is frivolous divorce overstated in the manosphere?
In Susan Walsh’s recent post The Grim Beeper, Doug1 made a comment about frivolous divorce (H/T Rmaxd): Men are shattered and blind sided by divorce far more than women are…. read more
Why we need to stop telling women to settle.
Received wisdom in the manosphere is that women need to settle. I have to say I enjoy a good hamster carpet bombing as much as the next guy. But in… read more
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