The weakened signal hits home.
When looking for a life partner, my advice to women is date all of them: the bad boys, the cool boys, the commitment-phobic boys, the crazy boys. But do not… read more
You better do as she says, or she’ll take away your kids.
In response to A dangerous truth, commenter Anonymous Reader challenged my assertion that as a sociology professor, Wilcox had to understand that there are public policy reasons fathers are being… read more
A dangerous truth.
The Institute for Family Studies has an essay by Professor W. Bradford Wilcox, titled Marriage Facilitates Responsible Fatherhood. According to the editor’s note the essay is an abbreviated version of… read more
Should we fine tune our replacement of marriage?
Workingmother.com has a post up about the question of whether men should be able to legally opt out of fatherhood: The woman said the idea came from a friend—a woman… read more
The Heritage Foundation isn’t serious yet, but one day they might be.
As a society both left and right love the system we’ve replaced marriage with (child support) far too much to make any serious changes. That the Heritage Foundation chose Genevieve… read more
Late stage complementarianism.
Commenter 7817 noted: TBayly on Twitter has begun posting #manup beatdowns on a daily basis. I pulled up Pastor Bayly’s twitter page to see what he was talking about, and… read more
The “no marriage proposals” canard.
During the discussion of The season of singleness commenter innocentbystanderboston (IBB) made a fairly common argument, that women like Wendy Griffith and Allyson Rowe didn’t delay marriage in pursuit of… read more
The joke’s on him.
Yesterday my wife had an ad pop up on her phone selling women divorce. I wasn’t able to find the online version of the ad, but with some digging found… read more
Deep Strength’s book is now available.
Deep Strength’s much anticipated book is now available! From Deep Strength’s post announcing the book: ———————- Deep Strength ———————- The book is now up on Amazon! The Biblical Masculinity Blueprint:… read more
No respect for men who marry single mothers.
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has a 2016 article by Sam Parkison excoriating Christian men for not marrying single mothers. Parkison calls Christian men’s preferences in this regard vanity, and repeats… read more
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