Marriage Strike
The weakened signal hits home.
When looking for a life partner, my advice to women is date all of them: the bad boys, the cool boys, the commitment-phobic boys, the crazy boys. But do not… read more
2018 Median Age of Marriage
The US Census has released the median age of marriage stats for 2018. Here is the data for the last 19 years in table form (source has data back to… read more
Evidence of a “marriage strike”?
There are a few other points of interest in the chart I shared in my last post. First is that the early gap in never married rates closes starting in… read more
Marriage strike paradox.
Commenter astrapto asks in response to Percentage of U.S. women never married, by age, 1980 & 2015 3. Instead of showing men on a marriage “strike”, it is clear that there… read more
Percentage of U.S. women never married, by age, 1980 & 2015
Novaseeker found an excellent chart over at Reddit. It isn’t my chart to share, so I won’t publish it here. However, you can see it at the link. Some quick… read more
Rabble rousers
The Daily Mail has a new article by Peter Lloyd plugging his book Stand by Your Manhood, and also referencing Dr. Helen’s Men on Strike. Why men refuse to marry:… read more
Clarification on my position on a marriage strike.
Fellow blogger Deansdale made an excellent point in the comments section to Driving a stake in the heart of the US marriage strike myth. I’ll begin with admitting that I… read more
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