Marriage Strike Myth
Marriage strike paradox.
Commenter astrapto asks in response to Percentage of U.S. women never married, by age, 1980 & 2015 3. Instead of showing men on a marriage “strike”, it is clear that there… read more
Clearing the Christian marriage market.
Pastor Doug Wilson tackles the very real problem of delayed marriage in: 7 Reasons Young Men Should Marry Before Their 23rd Birthday. We do have a pressing problem. According to… read more
Supply and demand in the marriage market.
My last post Starting young featured a five year old girl who was already practicing saying no to prospective suiters. As Elusive Wapiti pointed out, it is fairly evident that… read more
Polygamy ahead?
Vox Day seems to argue in The economics of polygamy that we can expect to see women push for legalization of polygamy. Part of his argument is that men have… read more
Clarification on my position on a marriage strike.
Fellow blogger Deansdale made an excellent point in the comments section to Driving a stake in the heart of the US marriage strike myth. I’ll begin with admitting that I… read more
Driving a stake in the heart of the US marriage strike myth.
In my previous post Marriage Strike? I exploded the manosphere conventional wisdom that the US is in the throws of a marriage strike. I pointed out that the metric published… read more
Marriage strike?
Grerp has sparked a spirited discussion on her blog with her post A question for the gentlemen. In that post she mentions the oft cited manosphere threat of a marriage… read more
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