Why we don’t need Sanger: Give the rebellious wife what she demands or the baby gets it!
Margaret Sanger is long gone, but her life’s work of fomenting feminist rebellion remains alive and well. We don’t need Sanger, because we have (collectively) taken up the mantle of… read more
The roots of marriage counseling.
Marcus D linked to a column by feminist and historian Rebecca Onion titled Lock up your wives! Advice columns from decades past provide a chilling glimpse into the horrors of… read more
Denying that marriage has moral meaning is the new virtue.
As I’ve previously explained, there is a very common misconception that our society no longer believes in sexual morality. While this misconception is understandable, it overlooks the new sexual morality which… read more
Does Shaunti Feldhahn’s rosy divorce data prove that no fault divorce is working out pretty well after all?
A few weeks ago I asked why modern Christians are so delighted with current divorce rates. As I explained in the post, Shaunti Feldhahn has a new book* and multiple articles proclaiming… read more
When Dennis Rainey got it right.
I was poking around the FamilyLife site and saw that they have a section for staying married/commitment. In the first post on the list titled 5 Ways to Keep Your… read more
Worse than fear. Worse than malice.
In the discussion of my last post Gunner Q suggested that the reason modern Christians don’t support biblical marriage is due to fear: Perhaps the answer is that modern Christians just… read more
Getting to the church on time (a second time).
Deep Strength offered his own explanation on why young wives in the UK are divorcing in much lower numbers: However, when you take into context women getting married closer to… read more
These fathers need a wake-up call.
Christian movie makers are tired of sitting on the sidelines while the popular culture destroys the family. Why can’t they get in on the action too? See Cane Caldo’s expert… read more
Headship Game.
With our recent discussion on the appropriate use of Game for Christian men, I thought it would be helpful to offer some detail on how this can be done. I’ve… read more
Winning the lottery.
A new commenter grossly misunderstood the implication of the earnings chart in my post Progress: One counter point to consider: with married men making considerably more money than unmarried in… read more
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