Submission is something a wife must voluntarily offer.
The statement in the title is true, but is often used as a canard to nullify headship. It is offered as fine print which secretly negates the clear terms of… read more
Fragging Christian Headship
Lord God, as well, I pray for those men who are here that are cowards. They are silent passive impish worthless men. They are making a mess of everything in… read more
Brilliant advertising.
Viva La Manosphere highlighted a Barbarossaa post today with a new (to me) man up video featuring Pastor Mark Driscoll and Bill Bennett. These guys are the all stars of the man… read more
Is Europe proof that intact families don’t really matter?
Introverted Playboy made the following statement over at Just Four Guys as part of a larger argument that marriage no longer matters: European countries today have even lower marriage rates than the US…. read more
Intrasexual Competition and the Strong Independent Woman.
When we talk in the sphere about what motivates women we focus heavily on the “tingle”, or sexual attraction. There is good reason for this, and nearly all men need… read more
Rethinking the marriage wage premium.
A number of commenters on my last post wanted more evidence that marriage as an institution motivates men to earn more. Commenter Drew asked: I think the jumps from correlations… read more
Forfeiting The Patriarchal Dividend
With the recent discussion of Dr. Helen’s Men on Strike I decided to take another look at the US Census Current Population Survey data on marital status and earnings. Note… read more
Expectations vs outcomes.
Mark Richardson of Oz Conservative explains the mindset of career women who missed their opportunity to have children in his post “We’ve assumed we can put it off indefinitely”: It’s… read more
But we were in love!
As I mentioned in Lovestruck, once you recognize the modern inversion of the moral relationship between romantic love, sex, and marriage you will begin to see this everywhere. A while… read more
The American Conservative has an article by Rod Dreher discussing gay marriage titled Sex After Christianity (H/T Masson). Dreher asks: is sex the linchpin of Christian cultural order? Is it… read more
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