Did the last decade prove that gay marriage isn’t really a problem?
Ross Douthat with the New York Times notes that David Frum has changed his position on gay marriage after concluding: If people like me had been right, we should have… read more
Light years closer to God.
One of the Dallas/Fort Worth megachurches has a web page called The Man Site. They offer what they call mansources: Be a Better Man Looking for some resources to help… read more
What if a wife doesn’t regulate the couple’s sex life?
In the discussion of the last post Spacetraveller asks: Is there never a ‘saturation point’ where …um…marital relations are concerned? Whilst I totally ‘get’ that a man has earned the… read more
A Tale of Two Beaches
Beach #1 Mrs. Yes makes it a point to be warm and inviting whenever her husband storms her beach. He is always welcomed with a kiss and a lei. Beach… read more
We need a ritual.
In the discussion on Ballista74’s excellent post The Pressure Of Corrupted Ministry the topic turned to the question of submission. Commenter Sis made what is a very common argument: Submission is… read more
If I could invite any woman who questions the power of submission to live in my shoes for one week, she would never question it again. She too would stand… read more
Romance 101: How to stop frustrating your wife.
One of the common questions on the Marriage and Divorce section of Yahoo Answers comes from husbands who don’t understand why their wife is reacting negatively to their romantic gestures. … read more
Suzanne Venker on what men are good for.
A year ago Suzanne Venker famously asked: Marriage: What’s in It for Men? …we must retract the message Boomers sent young women about female empowerment. Indeed, it isn’t a coincidence… read more
“The one” vs “my one and only”
One of the more toxic ideas in our culture is the idea of “the one”. This concept is the foundation for women’s sacred path to marriage; once a woman finds… read more
How the destruction of marriage is strangling the feminist welfare state.
The standard narrative is that feminism removed the artificial restrictions that were holding women back, and what we observe today is a level playing field. The Social Pathologist described this… read more
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