Debasing marriage
If you’ve ever looked at pictures of ancient coins you may have noticed that they are typically not very round. One method of debasing ancient coins was to shave off… read more
Christian denial and institutional resistance to change.
Defiant Collaboration There is a widely held belief among Christians, even in the manosphere, that Christians in general are standing up against feminism and the debasement of marriage but the… read more
Biblical vs Churchian Sex in Marriage (and why Christians need Game)
Rollo from Rational Male found the youtube series by Pastor Craig Groeschel of LifeChurch.tv and was kind enough to bring it to my attention. I haven’t looked at the whole series,… read more
Which sex is driving delayed marriage in the US?
One of the questions that comes up when we look at lower marriage rates as well as delayed age of marriage is which sex is driving the change. Compounding the… read more
Whistling through the graveyard?
Susan Walsh did a post the other week titled Your Chances of Divorce May Be Much Lower Than You Think. In it she shared some stats on divorce rates from… read more
The boyfriend invention
When people consider the sexual revolution over the last 100 to 150 years, the invention of the concept of “boyfriend” tends to be discounted. Other milestones tend to be given… read more
Update from Ann.
Just over a year ago I wrote a post in response to a reader who I call “Ann”, titled How to encourage a husband to show more leadership. Check out… read more
Reframing Christian marriage part 4: judging the performance.
Christian wives have been taught to see their role in biblical marriage primarily as a judge of their husband’s obligation to love them as Christ loved the church. This is… read more
Reframing Christian marriage part 3: husbands as helpmeets.
Many of my readers are already familiar with Sheila Gregoire and her blog, To Love, Honor and Vacuum. After looking at how big name sites like Bible.org and Ask.com reframed… read more
Reframing Christian marriage part 2: rebelling wives aren’t to blame for their own rebellion.
I’ll do several posts this week following up on my Reframing Christian marriage post, offering examples. Today I’ll share two different examples where Christian men and women are taught that… read more
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