Reframing Christian marriage
Modern Christians have radically reframed marriage from the way the Bible does. Where the Bible shows the husband in headship and the wife as submissive, modern Christians have turned this… read more
Cutting leaders off at the knees.
Several times a year men are treated to a men step up sermon, with the veneer of balance offered by the preacher telling the ladies to be patient and support… read more
When discussing the topic of changes in divorce law we typically talk about divorce theft and how this causes men to be understandably hesitant to marry, as well as the… read more
So Your Christian Wife Cheated on You
The other day I mentioned Christian Men’s Defense Network. Given the familiar names in the discussion there and the nearly 700 clicks to his site in the stats since then… read more
What, Me Worry?
As I mentioned yesterday Darwin Catholic (DC or Mr. Darwin for brevity moving forward) has a post up titled How To Marry a Nice Girl in response to my post… read more
From cornerstone to stepping stone; the mainstream Christian view of marriage.
empathologicalism suggested that during my limited blogging time I consider posting on several old threads he linked to on Christianforums.com. I took a quick look at one of them (Is… read more
A case for anger.
In my last post Do not be alarmed some commenters pointed out that Ms. Duffy isn’t just dismissing the concerns of men in the manosphere because she felt men were to… read more
The weakened signal
Paul Murray recently made a comment which fits with a theory of mine on how men and women decide when to get married: PA is reading the situation at work… read more
Chump in Chief
From Real Clear Politics (see the video there): Barbara Walters, ABC News: “What is your biggest peeve of each other?” President Obama: “I don’t have one.” Walters: “Aww.” Michelle Obama:… read more
Committed to the trail
No room to turn around Anyone who has ever done any off-roading knows the danger of inadvertently becoming committed to a trail. If you aren’t careful you can become too… read more
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