She felt unloved.
There are a couple of unfair criticisms of game which I see fairly regularly. The first is the idea that what game teaches is painfully obvious. Deti took some heat… read more
40 years of ultimatums
Women have been continuously renegotiating the social contract in their favor for over 40 years. They have been incredibly successful by making never ending incremental demands. When you consider the… read more
Game for pastors part I
When I was young my father ran a fleet service out of his service station. It was basically a tow-truck business minus the tow-truck. Stranded motorists would call and he… read more
Last week I had a discussion with two Christian women on another blog about my criticism of the movie Fireproof in my post The endless courtship fantasy. The women took… read more
Unwed mother? Blame feminism.
Unwed Mother Baby Mama Single Mother Choice mother Failure The label is a matter of personal preference, but if you aren’t married to the father of your children and you… read more
The word “husband” as bragging rights.
One of the more common misconceptions in the manosphere is that women don’t place any cachet in being married. A surprising number of men have inadvertently swallowed the feminist misdirection… read more
Do women want to get married?
Several of the commenters in the discussion on my post All the lonely feminist spinsters challenged my assertion that women want to get married. Krakonos accused me of being old… read more
All the lonely feminist spinsters
I’ve lost count of the number of commenters who referenced the new Atlantic piece by aging feminist Kate Bolick titled All the single ladies. Once I clicked on it and… read more
Why won’t these Peter Pan manboys man up and marry aging flighty selfish career gal sluts already?
The funny thing about conservatives is most have no idea they are raving feminists. Part of the problem is that social conservatism is much like a sea anchor. They exert… read more
Rejoice in the wife of your youth.
Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. –Proverbs 5:18 I’m not normally one to quote Bible verses. However, someone quoted the proverb above somewhere… read more
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