The child support catastrophe
Child support is typically framed as state intervention on behalf of children. However, it is more accurately an alternative to marriage for women. Traditionally, women would find a man willing… read more
Historical data on marriage and divorce in the US
I found the paper Marriage and Divorce: Changes and their Driving Forces. This excerpt from their analysis of the chart in Figure 1 surprised me : Yet when viewed over… read more
Two lists every woman should make before frivolously divorcing
This will be a short post, but may well be the most important thing you take away from my blog. Every woman considering divorce without serious cause should make up… read more
Trapped in a not unhappy marriage!
A new spectre is haunting marriage. Just when you thought you understood all of the diabolical ways women could be trapped in marriage, we learn of the most insidious trap… read more
Marriage Reform
W.F. Price has a new page up at The Spearhead to gather material on Marriage Reform. He explains his intent in a post announcing the new page: I’d like to… read more
Trapped in motherhood
Commenter udolipixie was troubled by my post Trapped in adulthood: …she’s just an immature complainer. I’m not sure how her character is related to “So here you have it. The… read more
That way rationalization lies
No, I will weep no more. In such a night To shut me out? Pour on; I will endure. In such a night as this? O Regan, Goneril! Your old… read more
Rotating Polyandry and NAWALT
Kathy and Flavia have both pointed out in the comments section of the last post that the description of women in Devlin’s article doesn’t apply to all women. Flavia put… read more
Rotating Polyandry and Its Enforcers
By way of Foseti and Mangan, F. Roger Devlin’s Rotating Polyandry – and Its Enforcers, Part 1 and Part 2. Edit: H/T as well to Flavia for sharing this first…. read more
A Detailed Description of Divorce Fantasy
If you didn’t read this blog it would be easy to have the impression that divorcées have the midas touch, and everything falls in their favor. Given how prevalent this… read more
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