Does divorce make people happy?
One of the most common and typically unchallenged assumptions about divorce is that despite all of the destruction it causes it at least makes people happier. Specifically, there is a… read more
Should I Divorce Him?
I run across the strangest sites when searching the web for stats, like: Should I Divorce Him? This lovely site is a place for women who want to thoughtfully discuss… read more
Are the vast majority of women truly incapable of experiencing reciprocal love and attraction?
The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore –Vincent van Gogh Hana makes the… read more
You are cordially invited to a hamster hunt
Grab your riding gear (kit?) and your best tracking dogs, we are in for a hamster hunt. Being a gracious host, we won’t just be chasing one hamster, but two!… read more
The contagious nature of divorce.
I’ve linked to this study in the past, but I don’t recall anyone in the manosphere going through it. When a friend of my wife decided to divorce it prompted… read more
The cost of cuckoldry.
Last night my wife and I were watching a Forensic Files episode where a husband murdered his wife after she: 1) Decided to divorce him and take half of their… read more
A LTR is not a mini marriage.
As I have mentioned before, the term Long Term Relationship is profoundly misleading in that there is no commitment and no term. While it is theoretically possible that a couple… read more
Greasing the marriage rope.
Professor Hale wrote a post a while back titled Saving Marriage: Grease the Rope. In that post he makes a compelling case for withdrawing support from an addict: I once… read more
Bad times to have children.
Looking through Ferdinand’s Link roundup I noticed Gorbachev has a post included titled Bad Times: It’s always terrible. Now is always the worst time. Actual worst times? ca. 1300-1200 B.C. General… read more
How to encourage a husband to show more leadership.
A reader who I’ll call Ann emailed me a while back asking for my thoughts on what she can do to encourage her husband to show more leadership. I’ll share… read more
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