Single in the Suburbs: How Match.com sells your wife post marital spinsterhood.
My wife is constantly finding absurd relationship and dating advice columns offered to women and sending them my way. She finds them whenever she logs into juno.com to check our… read more
Sharing Joy and Sorrow
I haven’t done a Brothers Grimm post in a good while, so I thought I would share this one. Like the last one, it is short enough that it doesn’t… read more
List of churches which have taken concrete action on divorce.
In my post back in September on divorce and the impact it has on children I promised to create a separate post to acknowledge those churches which had made solid… read more
Why do you care?
Grerp has a powerful post up titled Thoughts on The Fourth Turning, part 2: Gen X’s childhood where she describes how the social changes ushered in by previous generations impacted… read more
To thine own self be true
Perhaps feminists’ favorite moral admonishment to women and girls is Be True to Yourself. Solomon II touched on this in his post Drive Thru Boyfriends: She does the same thing… read more
No Rings for Sluts
Anonymous Reader raised some great points the other day about the risk to a man of being fooled into marrying a woman who wasn’t worthy of marrying: “Honest woman” isn’t… read more
Women are the ones who want to avoid commitment.
I and other bloggers have touched on this general issue before, but it strikes me that I haven’t seen the full extent of this addressed directly. Conventional wisdom is that… read more
Gaming your wife.
One of the concerns which I hear with some regularity is why a man would marry only to need to “work” to game his wife. I’m not an expert on… read more
Game resources for marriage.
It strikes me that we need a placeholder for all of the great resources out there on game in a long term relationship and/or marriage. I’ll start the list with… read more
Men, stop tricking women into loveless marriages!
Men, we point the finger at women all the time in the manosphere, but now it is time to point it back at ourselves. I don’t want to name names,… read more
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