Is Marcos evil for conning women looking to trade sex for financial security?
Several months back I wrote a post titled Next Phase of the Hypergamous Arms Race: Revenge of the Nerds? In the post I asked the question if today’s round of… read more
Brutal quote on marriage 2.0
I can’t find the link to the original article any more, but this was a comment by Jack on the AP version of the “Bad Economy Causing Fewer Marriages” story:… read more
It’s still about her.
In my previous post It’s all about her, I shared the story of Jenni as recounted from the blog sincemydivorce. Since then the blogger there has done three more installments… read more
It’s all about her.
Earlier this week I stumbled onto a blog named sincemydivorce, a blog by a divorcée in her late 50s dedicated to celebrating the good from divorce. The blogger wrote a… read more
Old rules or new?
Blogger Ferdinand Bardamu at In Mala Fide has a recent post titled My addition to the Catalog of Anti-Male Shaming Tactics where he talks about the attempt to shame game… read more
35 and unmarried? Sing for a husband on youtube!
I saw the video below on the Rex Patriarch blog post Hitting The Wall Like A Bug On The Windshield. A 35 year old woman on a desperate husband hunt… read more
When do I get to start having fun?
Our daughter stayed home sick yesterday and was talking with my wife. Somewhat out of the blue she asked When do I get to start having fun? Not sure of… read more
Why is the marriage deck stacked against women?
Haley revisits the issue of settling in her thoughtful post titled Charlotte Lucas did right. She walks us through the plot of Pride and Prejudice to describe how a pragmatic… read more
Flyer sent home with our kindergartner.
A while back Christian blogger Terry Breathing Grace was kind enough to write a post on Does Your Church Measure Divorce. Overall the reception was positive but I would also… read more
Women’s expectations in marriage.
I found the following video about men’s and women’s expectations regarding marriage on the blog What Men Are Saying About Women Sex Differences: Why Won’t Men Commit? Not a bad… read more
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