Cowboy boots and camo pants.
I’m not a big country music fan. I do like some of it but this is probably best classified as country even people who don’t like country like. So if… read more
Her husband was her best friend.
I found a link to a very moving blog while looking at other sites which link to mine. The author is a woman who divorced her husband 7 years ago… read more
Sex Cartel!
grerp has an outstanding post titled More on Susan Walsh vs Friedman and Marcotte, where she describes the gradually changing landscape for women due to the sexual revolution: In 1965… read more
Brothers Grimm Marry Him
Long before Lori Gottlieb wrote her famous book, indeed long before the Brothers Grimm wrote this tale down, German parents were warning their daughters about the danger of becoming overly… read more
Eat Pray Love: Where are they now?
One interesting thing about EPL is that it is based on actual events that happened around 10 years ago. If you are like me you are pretty close to EPL’d… read more
How come women don’t understand how tacky movies like Eat Pray Love are?
Spearhead has a post titled Feminists on the Defensive as Eat Pray Love Widely Panned by Critics. It is an excellent post, which discusses how everyone is treating the abominable… read more
Mrs Dalrock’s favorite wedding scenes.
Just because this is the manosphere, doesn’t mean we can’t have a post or two for the ladies. In their honor, I present Mrs Dalrock‘s favorite wedding scenes. #2) The… read more
Roll your own alpha?
One of the blogs on my blogroll is Haley’s Halo. Haley is a Christian woman in search of a suitable Christian man to marry. From reading her blog, I gather… read more
Stable Positions on the Monogamy-Hypergamy Continuum.
I noticed a paradox when reading the recent blog posts at Lost Art of Self Preservation for Women and Hooking Up Smart on Jaclyn Friedman (Not Safe For Your Lunch)… read more
Things my wife says.
On the changes to Dexter (less killings, more drama): Why do they have to chickify every show we like! If women don’t want to watch it, then let them go… read more
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