Beta Husband Boot Camp.
Tired of putting up with your husband’s nauseating betaness? Wish you had an alpha husband instead? Not true alpha mind you, just more alpha. You want your girlfriends to wish… read more
Does your church measure divorce?
Organizations of any size and kind measure what they care about. This is a bit of a cliché in business, but it happens to be true. It is even true… read more
This is What a Beta Looks Like.
My wife is not only sexy and brilliant, but also a pretty patient woman. She puts up with me checking out Pickup Artist sites like Roissy Citizen Renegade Heartiste, and… read more
Next Phase of the Hypergamous Arms Race: Revenge of the Nerds?
The most intriguing part of the current stage in the sexual revolution is how open many carousel riders are about their plan to snare a hapless beta after a decade… read more
Random acts of kindness.
Indian Grandmother raised an excellent question in the comments section of the second part of the post on interviewing a prospective wife. in my many years of experience with regards… read more
Women shouldn’t settle.
I know what you are thinking. This is the manosphere, and we tell women to settle. We’ve got a nice gig here, and Dalrock is trying to ruin it! But… read more
Thoughts on my friend Roland
In my second year of college my father bought a house for me to stay in (with roommates) with the idea of keeping it as an investment property later. I… read more
Hypergamous Addiction to Choosing.
Haley’s Halo has a fascinating piece on the bad marriage advice given to Evanglical Christian women titled The importance of having chemistry. She references advice given to a woman from boundless.org,… read more
Interviewing a Prospective Wife Part II: Interview Questions
I’m starting from the assumption that you are a (mostly) beta guy who is open to the idea of marrying. I’m also assuming that the basic criteria to consider marriage… read more
Interviewing a Prospective Wife Part I: Should you open a position?
This is the first of a two part series on interviewing a perspective wife. This first part will focus on if you should marry at all. The second part will… read more
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