Embracing no fault divorce is the natural result of elevating romantic love to a moral force.
Some time back my wife and I watched the old TV series Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955-1962). It is interesting to watch old shows like that because they give you a… read more
Jane’s noble path to marriage.
Seriouslypleasedropit comments on Most men are not afraid of commitment: Bob and Jane have some sort of prelude romance and move in together. Either because Bob is just that cool,… read more
An attitude of abundance.
Scott commented on my last post, noting that his blog focused on honoring respectable men runs against the prevailing culture: So far, the response has been positive but with the… read more
Like a rutting buck.
Having shared the arguments of both St. Jerome and St. Augustine on sex in marriage (which again are not RCC doctrine*), I want to look at what the Bible says. … read more
St. Augustine on sex and marriage.
As promised, here are some quotes from St. Augustine’s Of the Good of Marriage. New Advent explains that Augustine’s work is in response both to St. Jerome’s writing on the… read more
St. Jerome on marriage
The other day ConantheContrarian asked for a source for the idea that it is shameful for a man to have passion for his wife. I offered the example of St…. read more
The unexpected challenge to modern Christian orthodoxy.
There is very often an honesty in secular media that is striking when compared with modern Christian teaching. Rare News reports on the ladies at the view discussing wives withholding… read more
Rubbing body parts together.
Deti noted in the comments of the last post that there is a deep aversion in modern Christians to the idea that both spouses (not just husbands) owe sex to… read more
Dr. Russell Moore: Wives don’t sin (part 2)
2 But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. 3 The husband should give to his wife… read more
For the love of marital strife.
Pleased to meet you Hope you guess my name But what’s puzzling you Is the nature of my game –The Rolling Stones, Sympathy for the Devil There is another aspect… read more
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