Carrying on like teenagers.
Scott shares a tip on diffusing spousal friction in: When in doubt, grab her by her waist, put her on the kitchen counter and kiss her neck. Added to the… read more
The rational response to high divorce rates.
Note: Most of the data presented in this post is from family profiles produced by the National Center for Family and Marriage Research (NCFMR) at Bowling Green State University (BGSU). … read more
A cold calculation.
Child support is the answer to the question “How shall we replace the nuclear family”? This much is axiomatic, with the only question being how many nuclear families we want… read more
America is destroying the Hispanic family.
Usually when you see divorce rates broken out by race and ethnicity, the results look like the chart below, created with data from an NCFMR report on 2010 divorce rates:… read more
At least this story has a happy ending.
This man dodged a bullet. Some additional thoughts. Abuse is defined as anything and everything that makes a woman unhappy. Just because a woman is sweating you to get married,… read more
Deepwater Horizon is a pleasant surprise.
In our discussion back in 2014 of Mom’s Night Out, Cane Caldo astutely commented: Our movies really hate married fathers. “Taken” is acceptable as a movie premise because Liam Neeson’s… read more
Reworking Malachi 2:16 for our feminist era (part 2).
In part one of this series I explained how Malachi 2:16 is being reworked from a condemnation of divorce theft to justification for divorce theft. Thus Joel and Kathy Davisson… read more
Reworking Malachi 2:16 for our feminist era (part 1).
I’ve written previously about the modern Christian cross-dressing view of marriage, where wives are in absolute headship and regularly need to give their husbands wakeup calls to establish their authority. … read more
Feminist Atlantic waxes conservative.
The Atlantic has a love-hate relationship with men’s economic contributions. The magazine alternates between gloating that feminism has destroyed men’s economic status once and for all, and worrying that men… read more
The mysterious male marriage premium.
Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit explains why he left big law: …I looked at the partners and their lives and thought, “this is what it looks like when you win?” But… read more
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