Guarding her equality.
As I’ve demonstrated (here and here), an underpinning belief of complementarianism is that the source of feminist resentment is sinful men, men who are not sufficiently nice and accommodating. As… read more
CBMW’s evolving position on spiritual headship.
From the beginning complementarianism has been an effort to split the difference with Christian feminists (egalitarians). This comes naturally from their belief that feminism isn’t a manifestation of the same… read more
What causes all of the consternation about housework?
This week Lori Alexander of Always Learning had a Facebook post go viral with a cacophony of feminist clucking. In the post Lori suggested that wives not focus on the… read more
What Prager and Wilcox are selling.
Brad Wilcox of the Marriage Project made a video for Prager University that along with a rebuttal by MGTOW Turd Flinging Monkey has been getting a good deal of attention. … read more
She doesn’t need a man.
Christ does not need us. He doesn’t need us to be happy. He doesn’t need us to be fulfilled… In the same manner, when a fulfilled, self-sufficient woman marries a… read more
Selling grey divorce (everyone’s doing it).
Earlier this week Vox Day quoted from a recent Daily Mail article: According to the Office of National Statistics, the number of ‘silver divorces’ has risen by three-quarters in the… read more
Married Game in a picture.
While I don’t think Scott and Mychael would call their blog Morally Contextualized Romance a “Game” blog, their banner image is the very picture of married Game. Click on the… read more
How to tell if you are a godly man.
Sunshine Thiry decided to test to see if it is true that when complementarians say “listen to your wife” what they mean is “do what she says”. Is it true that… read more
He was like a little boy that night.
Christian sex experts Pastor Dave and Ann Wilson inadvertently explain how to kill your wife’s attraction in The Art of Marriage: Dave: On May 24, 1990, it was our ten-year… read more
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