Complementarian Threesome (meet the new man of the house)
Back in 2010 an unnamed pastor* at the Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW) explained how the complementarian model for marriage works in: Breaking the Marital Impasse: How Authority… read more
Why didn’t He think of that?
Just before Naghmeh Sabedini reiterated her charges of abuse against her persecuted husband, Christian Today published: Why evangelicals pray for persecuted pastors rather than battered women.* Ed Cyzewski explains that… read more
God’s secret plan for every married man’s life.
Magnus asks I wonder what Dr. Hegstrom and the Davissons would say to a genuinely abused man: A man who has been denied sex for years, has been emotionally manipulated… read more
FotF and Dr. Hegstrom: Check your male privilege.
Screaming abuse is a brilliant feminist tool to keep husbands compliant because while there are some abusive men who mistreat women, feminists know they can appeal to men as a… read more
Punishing with her presence
Better to dwell in a corner of a housetop, Than in a house shared with a contentious woman. — Proverbs 21:9 NKJV In the Focus on the Family radio program… read more
The secret to staying married
Back in July the New York Times ran a surprisingly good piece on marriage titled: The Wedding Toast I’ll Never Give. It isn’t a great piece, but it is far… read more
Why won’t he hurry up and die already?
New commenter Tab Spangler linked to a blog post by Glenn Greenwald on a woman who fears being outed for her infidelity because of the Ashley Madison hack. I am… read more
Unhappy? Make your husband put a deposit into Dr. Harley’s Bank.
Commenter Trust asked if I would give my thoughts on a post by Willard F. Harley, Jr., Ph.D. titled When to call it quits (Part 1). Dr. Harley explains… read more
If you can’t feel the current, you have already been swept away.
Instapundit kindly linked to my post They aren’t talking about headship. LIFE AMONG THE CHURCHIANS: “My problem is that no church I know makes it clear what the wife’s obligation… read more
Rabble rousers
The Daily Mail has a new article by Peter Lloyd plugging his book Stand by Your Manhood, and also referencing Dr. Helen’s Men on Strike. Why men refuse to marry:… read more
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