8 Ways Men Compensate For Not Having A Dad
People are the most foolish when they compensate for their inferiority. Feminists fabricate a rape culture to compensate for the fact no one desires them. Fat people compensate for their… read more
Carnival Of Gangs Is An Unapologetically Masculine Multimedia Series
The following post was sponsored by Carnival Of Gangs. Nobody who reads Return Of Kings needs to be reminded that modern society seeks to demonize and crush masculinity. Nowhere is… read more
4 Reasons Modern Beta Males Will Become Extinct
After a few years observing betas and their stubbornness when exposed to damning evidence about the realities of the sexual market , as well as noticing that they have still not been… read more
7 Essential Qualities For Masculine Friendship
Of all human relationships, I would argue that male bonding is the most important of them all (yes, above sex relations and family) that defines a man’s identity. Every successful… read more
How To Use A Revolver For Self-Defense
Until fairly recently, revolvers were generally the preferred self-defense handguns due to their rock-solid reliability. Recent improvements in the reliability of semi-automatics have given them the edge. They generally have… read more
11 Tips For Raising Your Daughter On The Red Pill
As a divorced father of two daughters, and a RVF active member, I see articles on raising sons (examples 1, 2, 3 and 4, all from this year alone on… read more
Why Fighting Is Good For Men And Boys
What would you do if you saw two boys of 6 years wrestling? Their shirts off, red and sweaty, they have a large group of peers around them, cheering, eyes… read more
How To Live After Trump
Before Trump’s glorious victory over the forces of progressive darkness, I promised that I would provide a roadmap on what traditional men could do next to usher in a return… read more
5 Reasons You Should Stop Using Facebook
I remember signing up for Facebook ten years ago. At this point in time, the new social media site was geared mostly toward college students and it was uncommon for… read more
Buzz Aldrin Is A Warning Of How Success Can Lead To Depression
Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong are household names because they were the first men to land on the moon. And while Neil is perhaps the more-remembered of the two because… read more
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