What Young Men Need To Know To Avoid A Statutory Rape Accusation
Disclaimer: This is not legal advice. If you are charged with a criminal offense or think that you may be, contact your attorney. If you are a Western man under… read more
The Most Important Concepts The Manosphere Taught Me
An interesting thought recently crossed my mind. What would have happened if I stumbled across the manosphere in my late teens? Back when I was a blue-pill high school greenhorn, clueless… read more
8 Basic Rules For Improving Your Conversation Skills
I recently returned from a trip to Central America. I am fluent in Spanish and traveled at first alone, managing foreign border crossings on foot, and later with a local… read more
10 Signs Of Men Who Have The Loser Mentality
Over the years I’ve known a few friends (and, sadly, family) who at some point I began to see in a different light—these were men very close to me who eventually… read more
PODCAST: How To Become More Resilient
In my second podcast, I describe the most common ways men get attacked by women, coworkers, strangers in public, or by an anonymous internet mob, along with tactics to defend against… read more
5 Ways To Apologize Without Giving Up Your Dignity
I know, I know. After reading the first clause of that title, the manosphere just keeled over faster than you can say “Trigglypuff.” But bare with me; there is a… read more
27 Masculine Quotes From Game Of Thrones
Do you know why Game of Thrones has become the most popular TV show? No doubt you have thought about it at one point or another. Story, characters, cinematography, acting etc are… read more
Why Masculinity Is Dying Off In America
Everywhere you look, it seems that we are facing an epidemic: more and more weak men are being created, and more and more strong men are dying off. We live in… read more
KINGMAKER PODCAST: The Making Of A Modern Man
Quintus and I tried to start a ROK podcast this year but the meetup outrage happened, along with aftershocks that kept me occupied (Quintus went on to start his own excellent podcast)…. read more
3 Things That Give Hope To Men In The West
These are dark times, gentlemen. No, this is not an exaggeration; it is not hyperbole, nor is it dramatic. The entire fate of the West hangs by a thread: as… read more
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