5 Things I Learned From My Brothers On How To Raise A Son
As I get older, I’ve become more mindful about how to teach my brothers to grow up as strong men. I have been examining the environment they’re in and trying… read more
How To Get Out Of Paying Student Loans
Americans owe over $1 trillion in student loans, an average of $30,000 for every graduate. These loans, unlike any other form of debt, will not be dismissed—even in bankruptcy. Decades… read more
Why You Must Raise Your Son To Be A Warrior
Every culture that ever held masculine virtues as the cornerstones of morality has been focused on the strength of the family unit, or clan. This unit takes the form of… read more
Smile When They Call You A Villain
Today we witness the inverted moral system of a deranged clique of tyrants doubling down on their suicidal plans to enslave and enfeeble anyone who thinks for themselves. Men, especially… read more
7 Things A Man Must Never Do
Here at ROK we usually give advice on what men should do, so now here’s a list of things that you shouldn’t. 1. Get Fat Getting fat is one of… read more
The Sacred Heart And Masculinity
Before becoming Catholic, reverence for the Sacred Heart seemed like a devotion for silly women; this was not helped by the many lacy, pretty, effeminate pictures attached to this facet… read more
Here’s What To Do When Your Life Is Hit With Adversity
If you live long enough, you are going to face situations that will test your mettle. Here are some things to keep in mind so that when adversity strikes, you… read more
Helio Gracie Was A Frail, Defenseless Man—Who Happened To Give Birth To Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
I had the opportunity to train with Toney Waldecker, one of the few Brazilian Jiu Jitsu blackbelts that can trace their craft all the way back to Helio Gracie. In fact, I… read more
What Makes A Man Excellent
Below is a conversation with my college-bound little brother. Little Brother: I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I feel so lazy. I just don’t want to do anything. Roosh:… read more
It’s Becoming Easy For Single Men To “Drop Out” And Live On Minimum Wage
One of the upcoming negative effects of feminism that has yet to take hold in the United States is the increasing prevalence of the unmotivated, single man in the workplace…. read more
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