How Motorcycle Racing Helps Us Rediscover Masculine Risk-Taking
What could be crazier than a white-knuckle race through city streets, countryside, and around blind curves on a motorcycle? The Isle of Man TT is just that, widely considered the… read more
Why It’s Impossible For Men To Be Authentic
I noticed that the more I’m myself in a relationship with a woman (as I see myself), the happier I am with her. On the other hand, the more I… read more
5 Reasons Why Learning Self-Defense Is Non-Negotiable
We live in a violent world. We have always lived in a violent world. We are a violent species. This is not bad or good, it is a fact. Facts,… read more
10 Life Lessons That Should Be Taught To All Teenage Males
My youth had been a disaster. I practically had no friends, people treated me like shit (and I let them), I never met a girl, I didn’t do any exercise… read more
3 Men Of The Bible Who Were Undone By Weakness
We can learn a lot from reading about the lives of heroic men. Their example goads us to achieve great things in our own lives. But we can also learn… read more
The Husband Is The Head Of The Wife
The institution of marriage is in big trouble. About 40% of all marriages in the US end in divorce. The divorce rate would probably be even higher but for the… read more
What Type Of Future Can Young Men Look Forward To?
On Christmas Day I spent time with four of my male cousins, ranging in age from 15 to 24. While I’m not quite their mentor, they are receptive to lessons… read more
The 7 Deadly Sins Of Manhood
There have been endless debates about what it means to be a man, and while we may never reach a consensus, I believe that we can start with a process… read more
3 Things Cosmo Gets Wrong About Relationships With Men Who Own Guns
Cosmopolitan, bastion of feminine and progressive thought, such as it is, recently published an article entitled “It’s Time to Talk About What Guns Have to Do With Dating.” Using the… read more
5 Things I Will Teach My Future Son
Ideally, every new generation should surpass the former. In reality we know that’s not always the case. In fact, it’s seems like humanity is just getting less capable and more… read more
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