How Men Are Being Socialized To Act Like Women
It’s well-established that human beings are like monkeys when imitating and copying social behaviors such as mannerisms, speech, and even ideas. Birds of a feather flock together, so if you… read more
5 Things You Should Be Doing If You Consume Porn
Several months ago, Roosh outlined the debilitating effects of readily accessible porn on men. Whilst I agree with basically all of what he said, it’s safe to assume even some regular ROK… read more
21 Quotes Of The Vikings’ Havamal To Guide A Masculine Lifestyle
Havamal is the words of wisdom which served as spiritual provisions for the Vikings on their long journeys over the rough sea to discover new lands. It is one of… read more
Is The USA Wasting $172M Of Taxpayer Money On Penis Pumps?
The following article was sponsored by LA Pumps The penis pump market is a massive industry that reportedly cost Medicare $172,000,000 between 2006 and 2011. According to a Government watchdog… read more
5 Ways To Start Fighting Back Against The Onslaught Of Liberalism
After taking the red pill, one tends to become cynical. All around us there is degeneracy; in the news, on the streets, in our literature, and in our media. It’s… read more
The Age That Men Peak
A common belief in the manosphere—and one I’ve stated myself—is that a man’s value can peak up to his early 40’s, allowing him to get a far higher quality or quantity… read more
These Are The Cards You’ve Been Dealt
A while back I had an interesting conversation with a tenant of mine. He was a tall, athletic young man and during a party of inebriation he asked me, “SAY! … read more
Why Facebook Is Emasculating And How To Stop It
After a period of self-directed tough-love and personal introspection on the nature of happiness and the brevity of life, I decided that my Facebook feed had to die the True… read more
4 Reasons You Should Consider Getting A Tattoo
The subject of tattoos and whether or not they help attract women comes up in the ‘sphere every now and again. By and large, most men don’t seem to feel… read more
Why Vladimir Putin May Be The Last Guardian Of Traditional Values
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you heard about one of the biggest events of the last couple of years, the Ukrainian “revolution,” called Maidan. The result was the… read more
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