Why The Manosphere’s Fear Of “TradCons” Is Misguided And Cowardly
Among blogs in this part of the Internet, you’ll often see men complaining about “traditional conservatives” or “TradCons,” citing them as a threat to men that is equal or greater… read more
14 Ways To Add Edge To Your Style
The following post was sponsored by Chronodos Suppose we asked 100 men if they would rather: 1. Own a brand new Lamborghini. or 2. Own a used Volkswagen. What would… read more
My Experience Building A Computer
At the end of my high school career, I quit playing video games that were wasting my valuable time. With a shift to working on personal self-improvement, my involvement in… read more
How To Develop Your Presence
Everyone remembers that moment they walked into the foyer, maybe in a hotel or a board room, and saw him. Boom. A man that had power. He exuded confidence and… read more
5 Things I Learned From Becoming A Father
There are a lot of articles in the manosphere that discuss what it means to be a man. Some think that it means learning game. Others think that it means… read more
Why “Men Going Their Own Way” Is No Way For Men To Go
In the past few months, Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) has completed its devolution from a sensible philosophy of masculinity into a cult for lonely virgins. While I never… read more
5 Reasons Why Classical Opera Should Be Your New Masculine Hobby
I recently saw the opera “Carmen” by Bizet, with my old man. I’d seen it before but it never gets old. Some prime father-son bonding, unfortunately clouded by the darkness… read more
Shimshon’s Tale Sets An Example For Masculinity
The Biblical story of the Hebrew Judge Shimshon (his name meaning a man of the Sun, shemesh in most ancient Middle Eastern languages) is one to hail and follow by… read more
5 Tricky Disguises Of Fear Every Man Must Destroy
In our individual quests to become better men and remain unwilling to conform to the standards of a warped society, fear is a companion that is always by our side…. read more
Why You Need To Become Cary Grant
It is a guarantee that if you do not espouse the views deemed appropriate by society, government, academia, and the media you will be attacked. Unfortunately, their “politically-approved” views they… read more
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