5 Crucial Beliefs Every Man Should Internalize
Beliefs are extremely powerful. You don’t have to look any further than the existence of placebo effects to recognize this fact. Placebo treatments that literally offer zero benefits to patients… read more
The Key To Facing Your Fears Confidently
In life there are situations that cause you to “flinch.” Someone throws a punch at you. A girl “shit-tests” you. Your boss disrespects you in front of your team. These… read more
A Short History On The Masculinity Of Fighting
Ever wonder where the great legal tradition of the West came from? Lots of reasons for it. But one of the main drivers of the use of lawyers and courts… read more
Join The Kings Battalion Today To Fight Against Western Imperialism
For ROK readers who consider themselves masculine, strong, and brave, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is by joining the Kings Battalion, a new military force that will be based… read more
The Deadlift And Me
Second only to the squat in the most fundamental movements of humans, is the almighty deadlift: AKA picking heavy shit off the ground and putting it down. This lift is… read more
A Beginner’s Guide To The Pussification Of American Men
If you are a male who was born any time after 1960, you have been subjected to continuous efforts to make you into a big pussy. Here is how it… read more
What Lack Of Testosterone Does To The Male Brain, And How To Fix It
Have you seen the movie Limitless (2011)? In it, a failed writer takes a dose of an illegal drug that enhances brain function. The rollercoaster plot takes him into a… read more
8 Traits That Every Successful Man Has
Over the years I have had the opportunity to hang out with and become friends with a number of very successful men. They include writers and other artists, people who’ve… read more
Grab Your F*cking Nuts
Greg Plitt was a fitness model known for many things. From his ridiculously chiseled physique that allowed him to grace the cover of countless health and fitness magazines, to his amped-up… read more
7 Films Featuring The Ultimate Badasses
Fiction icons stimulate us and can often even inspire us. Film is a great medium to tell a narrative, is visceral, often surreal and sticks with you long after. You… read more
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