Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke Rebukes Feminization Of Catholic Church
I recently came across an interview with Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke about how the Catholic Church’s focus (or obsession) on women has neglected the important role of masculinity. Keeping in… read more
Analyzing The 5 Main Alpha Archetypes
Over the years the red pill community has coined many terms that have become regular jargon amongst its purveyors and beneficiaries. We’ve got a language all our own. Though the… read more
How To Free Yourself From The Need For Women
You depend on women for validation. So do I. We all do. Possibly the hardest part of the red pill to swallow is accepting that we all desperately long for the… read more
How To Speak Deeply With Confidence And Authority
How does the sound of your voice resonate with other people? The pitch and tone of our voices directly affects how we communicate our feelings and desires. You may be… read more
10 Things Men Should Never Try
Looked at from a conventional perspective, life is a tough, competitive struggle. In areas where everyone is engaged and fighting hard the bar is often set impressively high. There can… read more
Leadership Lessons From The Film “Das Boot”
A few days ago I saw the director’s cut version of the 1981 German film Das Boot. Of course I had seen it before, but it had been at least… read more
Are You Strong Enough To Fight A Tiger?
Many of you may have heard of the book called Autobiography of a Yogi. It is literally an autobiography of an Indian man who went to the Himalayas and attained… read more
Don’t Brush Off Your Failures
One of the following has almost certainly happened to you at some point: you got rejected by a girl when things seemed to go well. Or a girl flaked on… read more
Beowulf Is A Mystical Red Pill Bible
Someone mentioned Beowulf the other day. Like many contemporary windbags I felt I had the authority to comment on it, but I quickly realized I could not recall a single… read more
The Roots Of Masculinity In Ancient Rome
Few civilizations have been granted the honor, by Providence, to stand as equal to the best. The Ancient Roman Empire, however, is one such civilization. Sitting at the table among… read more
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