The Biggest Lie Most Men Believe About Testosterone
Are you wondering what it is? The lie that most men believe about testosterone that is being peddled by doctors, trainers, nutritionists, and the mainstream media alike? I’ll give you a… read more
4 Reasons Why Men Should Read Bronze Age Mindset
The minds of Western men have become calcified through the years due to repeat exposure of the same lies, convenient half-truths, and disinformation campaigns. Our media, academia, and politics have… read more
The Ultimate Morning Routine For Higher Testosterone Levels
What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Do you act with intention and purpose or do you immediately reach for your phone and scroll through email and… read more
Become The Self-Sufficient And Self-Assured Man Who Feminists Love To Hate
The latest wave of modern feminism and identity politics has ushered in a new level of intolerance towards men. Mainstream media and our increasingly effeminate culture continue to declare the… read more
What It’s Like To Be A Freemason
I wear a ring. It belonged to a Mason who probably lived many generations ago and, as I purchased it from a vintage jewelry store, I do not know his… read more
Land Is A Source Of Liberty And Masculinity
America clearly suffers from a general cultural and moral decay, as Return of Kings has documented so thoroughly. One source of this decay could be the growing landlessness of many… read more
How I Successfully De-Toxified My Toxic Masculinity
The three most destructive words a boy can hear growing up are ‘be a man’. Sometimes, we merely hear the exortation ‘man up!’, as some sort of challenge to prepare to fight, or complete… read more
5 More Underappreciated Masculine Activities Every Man Should Engage In
In a previous article, I discussed five activities that are often overlooked by men claiming to be “masculine”. There are many more. In this article I will be providing five… read more
Masturbating Comes With More Downsides Than Upsides
I was 15 years old when an older blue pill cousin told me never to masturbate. He cited a verse from the Quran: The believers are those who protect their sexual… read more
The Agenda To Silence Masculinity
The inimitable Joan Blondell said it best in an episode of Starsky & Hutch: “There are no REAL men left in the world, just sissy boys.” Indeed, many of these… read more
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