A Manifesto On Masculine Happiness
Everyone enjoys feeling happy, that much is obvious We know this because feeling happy is inherently “good”— people generally prefer the feelings, emotions, and whatever other chemical reactions go on… read more
3 Easy Hacks To Develop A Dominant Presence
Far too many men hold themselves like 13-year-old girls who are too shy to wave down the waitress and ask for a glass of water. Whether I’m walking down the… read more
How Al Bundy’s Advice Changed My Life
Kelly: Daddy, did you pick up the permission slip at school like I asked you? Al: Pumpkin, have I ever disappointed you before? Kelly: Yes Daddy. Lots of times. Al:… read more
5 Reasons Being Indecisive Will Ruin Your Life
Will you take the job? Will you quit the job? Will you text her now or later? Will you break up with her? Will you move? Will you go out… read more
An Epic Poem Of Discovery And Adventure
Towards the end of the sixteenth century, Portugal’s mercantile empire began to cede its primacy in world affairs to the Spanish and Dutch; and like Spain after her, she was… read more
6 Habits That Hold Men Back
A lot of talk surrounds habits that are “good”—activities that you should implement into your life. Meditation, weight lifting, reading, and drinking sufficient amounts of water are a few that… read more
The Need For Submission
A friend of mine was recently describing to me some details of his travels in Thailand. He mentioned that for some Thai young men, Buddhist monasteries served an important cultural… read more
A Resource For Positive Male Self-Improvement
ROK’s October sponsor is The Man Mindset, a site that focuses on positive self-improvement for men. Here is what the creator wanted to share… — The Man Mindset is a… read more
Never Fully Give A Woman Your Loyalty
I’m fortunate in that women feel comfortable around me. I would think the roots of this lay in the results of typical indoctrination from our well-meaning mothers: to be polite… read more
You Will Always Face Criticism
One of the drawbacks of life is that wherever you go, and whatever you do, there is always someone who will be critical of you. It would appear that this… read more
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