The Manipulated Man: A Holy Bible Of Red Pill Wisdom
For anyone who is familiar with great literature from the Manosphere, the following book and author needs no introduction. Nonetheless, I am going to try: Who is Esther Vilar? Esther… read more
Why You Must Confront Your Own Coming Death (And How To Do It)
Death plays a central role in Tibetan Buddhist traditions, where it’s a frequent focus for their meditations. These meditations often occur at burial grounds or even in the presence of… read more
Life Advice That All Men Should Follow
Improve yourself. Don’t stop. Everyone is good at something. Don’t wallow in excuses to justify being lazy. Work hard and rest properly, not half measures of both. Try everything until… read more
3 Steps To Breaking Out Of A Slump
We all alternate between periods of happiness and periods of depression—periods of energy and periods of lethargy, periods of reaping and periods of sowing. Thus is the cyclical nature of… read more
How To Avoid The 3 Worst Qualities Of The Beta Male
When you think of the average modern man, what do you picture? Is it an “alpha male” marked by confidence, courage, and determination? Or is it something different? Unfortunately I… read more
3 Habits That Every Man Should Practice
Habits are activities that we engage in every day, often on a near-subconscious level. They are things that occupy a large percentage of the time we’re awake. They define us…. read more
The Limits Of A Man’s Responsibility
“A man should take responsibility for his actions” is an often-heard maxim that rings true. It is a decree that a mature red pill man should live up to, though… read more
Self-Defense Is An Essential Part Of Being A Man
One of the primary messages from contributors to RoK is the need for self-improvement among men in the 21st century. Knowledge, fitness, game, and wealth-building are all critical pieces of… read more
Rammstein Is Germany’s First Red Pill Band
If you have grown sick to death of the whiny chick music with femcentric themes that permeate Top 40 radio in America, you may be interested to know there is… read more
5 Fascinating Facts About Sir Renaulph Fiennes
There are very few men in the limelight of the world today who epitomize masculine virtue. One of them is Sir Renaulph Fiennes. Fiennes served in the British Army for… read more
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