What Freedom Looks Like In Modern America
The patriarchal father of the past looms large. He would love and cherish his children, and when he discovered their misdeeds, he was quick to punish them. Decisively so. He… read more
A Stop At Disenchantment: The Social Retreating Of Men
“A Stop At Willoughby” is a Twilight Zone episode from the early ’60’s. It is a sad, wistful piece about a man who is not long for the intense pressures… read more
10 Reasons Why You Should Climb A Mountain
These days, opportunities for adventure and conquest are rare. That’s unfortunate, because masculine men naturally crave exploration. For us, the call of the wild is undeniable. But, let’s be realistic. Most… read more
11 Hard Truths I Learned From Taking The Red Pill
For most of my life, I’ve been that friendly small town guy, a likable guy who always seemed to establish a good feeling and friendly rapport with the people I… read more
Men Need A Return Of The Male-Only Gentleman’s Club
“More war stories?” Ellen asked me that night. She was in bed with Philip Marlowe, the only lover she had ever taken. “There was a war story or two,” I… read more
What Conan The Barbarian Reveals About The Origins Of Strength
That which does not kill us makes us stronger. – Friedrich Nietzsche The original Conan the Barbarian (1982) is one of the most important spiritual parables of our time, and reveals… read more
A Word On Masculinity From A 13th Century Poet
The core of masculinity does not derive from being male, nor friendliness from those who console. Your old grandmother says, “Maybe you shouldn’t go to school. You look a little… read more
The Difference Between The Nice Guy, The Asshole, And The Alpha Male
In the manosphere, there are typically two defined sects of men: white knights and red-pillers. While this division has value, I find there to be three types of men: the… read more
The Most Respected Men Know How To Fight
Some years ago I read Starship Troopers, a science fiction novel written by Robert Heinlein, one of the great authors of the genre. The storyline was set in a utopian… read more
Are You The Superhero Of Your Neighborhood?
Growing up with two older brothers, I had my fair share of exposure to comic books, superheroes, and supervillains. My second eldest brother still has over 8,000 comic books in… read more
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