Western Parents Are Raising Boys To Be Failures In Life
During the past 40 years, raising children has dramatically changed. Girls are told to play with action figures and boys are encouraged to brush Barbies. Boys will hear “express your… read more
The Concept Of Chivalry Has Been Distorted To Create Subservient Men
Origins From Wikipedia: Chivalry, or the chivalric code, is the traditional code of conduct associated with the medieval institution of knighthood… It was originally conceived of as an aristocratic warrior… read more
10 Masculine Virtues That Went To The Grave With Our Grandfathers
The days of men ruling the world and their own lives are long gone. In today’s woman-ideal, leftist-inspired world, the masculine virtues that laid the foundation for our civilization are… read more
How The Bakken Oil Fields Put Me On The Path To Truth
I’m writing this on my 24th birthday. Not that it makes a difference one way or the other, but it gives me a superficial reason to reflect on what has… read more
The Only 2 Things A Man Can Depend On
I was born alone and I will die alone. I’ve got to do what’s right for me and not live my life the way anybody else wants it. – Curtis… read more
A Simple Tweak To Help You Crush Women And Life
Whatever I engage in, I must push inordinately. -Andrew Carnegie The other day I was thinking about my life. As I went over different events, a pattern emerged: I’ve always prospered… read more
13 Things Men Should Be Shamed For, Not Celebrated
Since swallowing my first dose of the red pill over a year ago, I’ve noticed quite a lot of terrible behavior from both genders. While I previously wrote 20 Things… read more
Fighting Another Man Could Change Your Life
Preface: I am not advocating you fight another person to change yourself. Go see a shrink if you think violence is the answer for you. That said… “You’re damn right… read more
The 10 Most Important Principles of Leadership
Leadership: it’s one of the cornerstones of masculinity. It isn’t human resource management, or manipulation. It isn’t team-building exercises where everyone gets a trophy. It isn’t being a boss, demanding that… read more
“Art Of Manliness” Is Poisoning The Concept Of Masculinity With Disney Lifestyle Advice
I’ve perused the website Art of Manliness a few times in the past year. Something always vaguely turned me off about it, with its smug, woman-friendly, safe, feel-good presentation, and… read more
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