The End Game Of The Gamma Male
If you are not aware of a problem, it’s incredibly difficult to begin working on a solution for it. To identify a weakness in your behaviour is to begin to… read more
How Your Life Can Change In One Year After Swallowing The Red Pill
It was a year ago during my last semester at college. I had a cute, bubbly girl over at my apartment for dinner. We had been on a date the… read more
Modern Men Are Becoming Lotus Eaters
In The Odyssey, Odysseus comes ashore on the island of the lotus eaters, where the inhabitants eat flowers that make them completely peaceful and content. Some of his men taste… read more
Knockout Game & Misguided Masculinity
Knockout (also known as the knockout game and knockout king) – a violent activity played by sucker punching an unsuspecting bystander with the objective of knocking that individual unconscious in a single punch. (Wikipedia) If you haven’t… read more
The Opposite Of Manliness
Much has been written about manliness and the qualities that make a man a man. It seems to be the chief preoccupation of ancient writings, as they describe what makes… read more
Who Do You Want To Be?
Here at ROK we often emphasize the need for all men to take the “red pill” and subsequently accept the truths about sex and gender that it reveals. This is… read more
5 Things We Can Learn From The Movie Gran Torino
Walt Kowalski, the protagonist of Gran Torino, is a product of an earlier time. In many ways, he is the red pill incarnate. However, his wisdom is unintentional. He lives without a care… read more
How This Site Improved My Life
I started reading this site just over a month ago, and can report the following lifestyle changes. 1. My priorities are clearer I suddenly feel I have the right to insist… read more
Fatso: The Damning Codependency Of Betas
Fatso is a Norwegian movie, released in 2008, about a fat, ugly man who cannot get laid. I will use the movie and its plot and characters to analyze the… read more
Why Man Needs His Myths
Man cannot live by bread and woman alone. He also needs a myth to sustain him, to console him in his bereavements, to provide a code to anchor his life,… read more
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