The Commander On The Ground
The commander on the ground makes the final decision: why older men and established communities think younger men and new comers are stupid, and haven’t a clue of what they… read more
You’re A Misogynist
You may not know it, but the very fact that you run around having sex with a variety of beautiful girls all the time proves you’re a misogynist. They’re just… read more
How Not To Be A Man
The recent Miley Cyrus debacle has generated a lot of conversation online, most of it rightfully directed at Cyrus. It appears, however, that it has also brought the white knight… read more
Leadership Training For Men
There is a perception that “education” involves stuffing one’s head with facts and information. What passes for male education these days is a sad mockery of the word, for it… read more
Debating The Mighty 1-to-10 Scale
Few subjects inspire more spirited debate between men than the 1-to-10 scaleâthe go-to metric for rating a girlâs viability as a sexual partner or arm candy. Iâve literally stayed up… read more
Can The Red Pill Subreddit Survive?
In late January, The Red Pill subreddit was created by an anonymous individual who goes by the handle RedPillSchool. In less than 6 months, it passed 10,000 members, and is… read more
Everyone Dies By Their Own Idea
Mark Ames, of Exile fame, recently wrote about Edward Snowden on NSFW Corp (unfortunately locked up behind a pay wall). He relays a story of getting caught up in the trial of… read more
“Your Son Is A Fucking Faggot”
A few nights ago, Katie Vyktoriah started getting her son Dexter ready for a trip to Wal-Mart: After struggling to get him dressed and get his shoes on, I had… read more
Carry The Big Stick
A man should be proficient with his weapon. Â A samurai has his katana, a centurion has his gladius, a cowboy has his six-shooter, and thatâs how it was. Personal weapons… read more
The Most Masculine Oldies Music
Chances are youâre already familiar with the classic above, âWalk Like a Manâ by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Besides being an absolute gem of 1960s rock, it contains… read more
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