Why Game Is Necessary
Those in the manosphere who study and discuss game have a lot of critics. White knights and feminists alike are quick to shame, calling knowledge of game and discussion of… read more
Helping Friends Who Have No Game Is A Bad Idea
One of the natural effects of having or developing advanced game is an impulse to help your close friends who arenât quite as fortunate as you. Seeing a friend paralyzed… read more
American Masculinity Is Based On Female Approval
In 1963, radical liberal Betty Freidan released an earth-shattering book named the âThe Feminine Mystique.â In it, she talks of the âproblem that has no name,â referring to the supposedly stultifying… read more
The One Thing That Makes A Man
As I was clearing out my bookmarks recently, I stumbled across a link to an old Chateau Heartiste post Iâd once earmarked for future perusal: âBeta Valentine”. When I saw… read more
A Lesson For All Men (Including Atheists) From The Bible
Iâm not a big believer in Christianity. Like a lot of things, it has its strengths and weaknesses, but even better you donât need to subscribe to learn from the… read more
True Friendship Is About Tough Love
Men kick friendship around like a football, but it doesn’t seem to crack. Women treat it like glass and it goes to pieces. -Anne Morrow Lindbergh. My best friends are… read more
5 Things I Learned From Call of Duty
I played a lot of video games growing up; not as much as those weird neck-bearded kids who play WoW, but enough to learn just how much time one can… read more
The American Military & Men Do Not Mix
Shooting guns, blowing shit up, and working out. Shouldn’t that best way to express masculinity? It’s not, especially since feminism has taken over the military. This is not the military… read more
The Men’s Rights Movement Is No Place For Men
Under the Soviet Union, a factory was never just a factory; it was a vital tool in the war on capitalist oppression. Every organ of society was repurposed to achieve a… read more
The Myth Of The Male Biological Clock
A couple of weeks back I wrote about the female biological clock and the futility of attempts to undermine or diminish its significance. Like it or not, the clock is… read more
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