Stop Bashing The Nice Guy
Too many otherwise good men are bashing the nice guy. I am not talking of constructive criticism but of blaming the nice guy as if he was morally evil or… read more
Why You Shouldn’t Have Gay Friends
Despite the fact that ROK being a website for masculine heterosexual men, where women and homosexuals are strongly discouraged to comment, butthurt (not just in the literal sense) gay males… read more
Do You Know How To Win A Street Fight?
DISCLAIMER: The author does not encourage violence of any kind, nor is physical confrontation promoted in this article. That being said, when your ass is on the line and you… read more
5 Signs Of The Mama’s Boy
Come Mother’s Day you’ll see how much we cherish the ‘mother’ in the United States. Some of us find this glorification annoying and wrong, but does not mean that we… read more
How To Survive During An Urban Apocolypse
When doing survival “research” today you more or less find stuff that fall into two main approaches: Bugging out: basically leaving where you live, either to move to forests/Mother Nature… read more
7 More Things A Man Must Never Do
PREVIOUSLY: 7 Things A Man Must Never Do It’s incredibly difficult to discern universal moral standards, especially those who are shared by religious and non-religious men alike. Not everyone agrees… read more
36 Soy Boy Pictures That Reveal An Epidemic Of Feminized Men
There is no doubt that decreasing testosterone levels among American men are causing them to behave in childish and feminine ways. This is most clearly displayed in the “soy boy face”… read more
5 Myths About Testosterone That Seriously Need To Die
Testosterone is what makes a man, a man. In a society that’s increasingly lacking a positive masculine identity, testosterone has become a hot topic of discussion. Today, I will dispel five of… read more
3 Blue Pills That Most Men Can’t Defeat
The red pill has opened so many eyes to the cultural degeneracy and globalist social engineering around us. If there is any downside to the red pill it’s that you… read more
Bartstool Sports Is Profiting From Pushing A Beta Male Lifestyle Onto American Men
Barstool Sports is a blog centered around watching television, drinking alcohol, and eating pizza. This faux brand of masculinity glorifies mediocrity, weakness, and decadence. “If you like sports, if you… read more
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