Why I Love House Of Cards
TV has been rife with blue pill material for some time now. It seems you canât turn on the box without witnessing a pathetic example of emasculated manhood or white-knighting… read more
Who Is Ayrton Senna?
On May first of 1994, after a mechanical problem that rendered the steering of his car useless, Ayrton Senna would be found dead at the Tamburello corner on lap 7… read more
Real Men Make Sandwiches
All real men should have the ability to cook, and cook well. The ability to make a mean grilled cheese sandwich and survive off frozen pizza’s and mac n’ cheese… read more
You Were Born To Follow
9AM Monday, at the office: I make my way to the kitchen, prepare my oats, and head back to my desk – passing my boss on the way. He scurries… read more
4 Things I Learned From Don Draper
The concepts of “alpha” and “beta” often inspire significant debate, but it’s clear that Mad Men’s main character Don Draper is one of the great alpha television characters of today,… read more
Who Is The Biggest Alpha Male On Game Of Thrones?
Sword fights, severed limbs, and doggy style sex are all trademarks of HBO’s latest flagship television series. In other words, it’s awesome. Now in its third season, we have a… read more
The Parable of Aepyornis Island
It is a shame that the short stories of H.G. Wells have been largely forgotten. For they showcase his keen interest in science and technology, along with a burning sense… read more
The Advantage Of Being A Late-Bloomer
The other day I made the mistake of going on my fake Facebook account and looking up some people I went to high school with. I put on a playlist… read more
How To Build A Beta Male
We spend a lot of time pointing out the flaws of the beta male and the reasons why any self-respecting man ought to avoid resembling one. What we less often… read more
You Are A Man Of Your Times
When I was young, my parents would reward me when I did well in school. I got good grades all throughout high school and college, but good grades was never… read more
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