What Are You Prepared To Do?
“What are you prepared to do?â was the rhetorical question posed to Eliot Ness by the Sean Connery cop character named Malone in the 1987 film The Untouchables. I recently… read more
The 6 Commandments Of Masculinity
A recent thread over on the forum made me think of the most important aspects of masculine development. Here is a list of the 6 most important themes from that… read more
The Greatest Adventure
Its the year 2023 and you’re the first human being to set foot on Mars. You and the rest of the Mars One team have been anxiously awaiting this moment… read more
The Harem, The Tribe, And The Pride
âYou canât be one kind of man and another kind of president. You cannot separate the character of the president from the character of the presidency.â I was a young… read more
5 Things I Learned About Life From Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a grappling sport that focuses on takedowns, ground fighting, and self-defense designed to subdue a stronger opponent. Most current jiu-jitsu originates from the Gracie family, several of whom… read more
The Rise Of “Straight Shaming”
We spend a lot of time on this part of the internet hating on abrasive feminists. Iâm not saying that the likes of Lindy West and Jessica Valenti havenât earned… read more
Dr. Oz Is A Pussy
Mehmet Oz, more commonly known as Dr. Oz, is the most famous and “most trusted” doctor in America. People bow down before his superior knowledge, healer skillz, and telegenic good… read more
Is Feminism Really Killing Masculinity?
Having recently watched the film Mansome, and having viewed a few other trends in society, I began to question feminism’s role in the destruction of the true male. While I do not… read more
MGTOW Make More Sense Than MRA’s
There has been a gradual awakening among men. Over the last decade, the ease of access to information that would typically be excluded from mainstream media has allowed fringe ideas… read more
10 Things I Learned From Manti Te’o
The Manti Te’o situation has been storming the news of both sports and mainstream as of late. Â For those who do not know the situation, I’ll explain it in brief:… read more
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