Average Never Got Anyone Anywhere
Meet Joe: At 34.4 years old Joe has done everything right in his life. He’s married with two children and supports his family with a $32,000/year office job. Joe has… read more
Only 29,000 Men Remained
In 1865 Paraguay began a war with Uruguay, Argentina, and Brazil. Paraguay’s leader at the time, Carlos Antonio López, decided to fight until the death… Because López had drafted every man… read more
Learn To Be An Alpha From Athletes
To learn about the alpha male, one does not need to look any further than todayâs professional athletes. Athletes are the kings of the world with money, women, and fame…. read more
Shredded Flesh, Jungle Rot, And The Sledgehammer
With The Old Breed is the intense biography of a Marine infantryman who fought against Japan in World War II. A doctorâs son from Alabama, the 135-pound Eugene B. Sledge was an intelligent and modest young man who evolved into a ruthless killing machine that survived the hellish Pacific War. Fellow Marines would nickname the… read more
Why Swag Is Bad For Your Game
Superbly Weak Amateur Game. That’s what SWAG is, so don’t bother. Unless you are under the age of 20, you should not be attempting to do swag. SWAG, derived from… read more
Have You Swallowed The Red Pill? Take The Test
There’s a lot of guys who claim to haven taken the red pill, but I suspect there is a sea of blue still swirling within their core. To find out… read more
The Limits Of American Feminism
There is much fear within the manosphere regarding the potential for the spread of American style feminism to other parts of the world. Many have voiced concerns that soon there… read more
Street Brawler vs. Muay Thai Fighter
It looked like an even match in the beginning until the domination begins. read more
This Stuntman Is A Man
He runs over three live crocodiles, multiple times, for a James Bond movie. Stuntman don’t make much, so he probably did it more for the thrill than the paycheck. read more
This Blacksmith Is A Man
Is this a man? How about this guy? Or maybe this? How about the men who work here? read more
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