Owning A Gun Won’t Make You A Man
Let me start off by being absolutely clear about where I stand: I love guns. I love their smell. I love their sound. I love the smooth slide of a… read more
Painful Lessons That White Men Can Learn From The Black Community
When I read about masculinity and the place of men in our fucked-up modern society, the one issue that comes up over and over again is the disappearance of male-only… read more
7 Reasons Why You Should Attend The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is the largest event of its kind in the world. It’s been held in August in the small town of Sturgis in the Black Hills of… read more
How Well Do You Understand Yourself?
If you have done all the hard work for some time, and your eyes have been opened to the current state of events, you might be left wondering what comes… read more
Why Women Will Never be As Successful As Men
This month will be, in many ways, another month for me in which I am trying to better myself. It’s another moment in time when I approach my goals with… read more
Masculinity Is Appealing, Manhood Is Better
Return Of Kings’ focus is the return of masculine men. But there is dissent about what masculinity actually is. Men of all kinds write about women, guns, sexual conquest, and… read more
Why You Should Give Up Masturbation For Lent
Lent is the Christian holiday period lasting 40 fasting days (45 days) prior to Easter. It is a period of reflection, particularly of resisting temptation, cleansing, and preparing for the new… read more
Every Man Needs To Own A Pocket Knife
Even though a permit is not required to have one, I admit to not carrying a pocket knife until 2015. I had realized that I became part of a generational… read more
16 Signs That You Are A Weak Beta Male
The weak beta male is one of the worst creatures of contemporary society. Much like women, he has a fleeting nature and is overwhelmed by the currents that happen to… read more
The Red Pill Men Who Were Never Red Pilled
There is a certain subset of men I have lot of respect and admiration for. And admittedly, I’m jealous of them, too. They’re the men who have an unplugged understanding… read more
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