I Took The Red Pill After Observing The True Nature Of Women
The subject of taking the red pill and how it can positively affect our lives is one that has been discussed at length here at Return Of Kings. Its importance… read more
How “Being Nice” Creates Serious Problems For Men
As I’ve watched the US and European nations destroy themselves through idiotic policies, I’ve often wondered how we got into this predicament. After much thought, I am convinced that most… read more
Stand For Something Or Die For Nothing
Responsibility. It’s a big word. All too many people today don’t take on full responsibility for their lives, and thus, they remain juvenile and immature, while doing a whole lot… read more
Men Need To Take Back The Reins
As I grow older and hopefully wiser, I feel there is a moral duty in each and every one of us to give back, as it were, to the world… read more
How To Train The Next Generation Of Men
If you were a parent in the 1950s, you had a pretty good idea of what the future held for your sons. The path to success was set: get good… read more
Justin Trudeau Proves That You Can Still Act Homosexual Even If Your Dad Was An Alpha Male
By now, every Canadian is aware of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s $10.5 million cheque to Omar Khadr, a convicted Canadian terrorist. Khadr, who manufactured roadside bombs for al-Qaeda, and murdered… read more
Can Men Be Masculine Without Being Warriors?
As our society rots in peace along with the materialism and hedonism that comes with it, it is becoming clear that the only way to bring back true masculinity is… read more
6 Stages A Man Goes Through When His Testosterone Level Declines
It’s becoming a common occurrence for men to drastically lose testosterone as they age. The below stages show how that transition looks like. Life slows down “I used to chase… read more
5 Major Works Of Japanese Writer Yukio Mishima
In post-World War II times, very few fiction authors appear interesting and inspiring. Either they have weak narrative and stylistic talent or lack firm ideas to hinge their skill upon… read more
5 Mating Strategies To Ensure You Reproduce
The Australian academic researcher Frank Salter has written many relevant books and articles, as well as edited ditto anthologies, on topics such as ethnic nepotism, immigration and genetic diversity. In… read more
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