How Modern Masculine Men Can Bring Back The Era Of The Gentleman
The following article was sponsored by Gentleman’s Alley “I would rather prove my self to be a Gentleman, by being learned and humble, valiant and inoffensive, virtuous, and communicable, than… read more
15 Actions British Men Can Take To Protect Themselves Against Feminism
The following article was sponsored by Jim Johnson The British government continues to march down the dark path of Cultural Marxism. Today, it’s ruled almost entirely by closet radical feminists that… read more
10 Things I Learned At A Run ‘N Gun 5k Race
There is a whole lot of various training that can be had for firearms usage in the US, and one type that is growing in popularity is simulated exercises of… read more
How To Maim An Attacker When Your Life Is On The Line
Just as every man needs to know how to fight, every man needs to know how to fight as if his life depended on it, for one day, it just… read more
6 More Tips On Raising Your Daughters On The Red Pill
My last article made some noise over at Roosh’s and ROK (with this as the original reference). So I thought, with one of the comments on Roosh’s site encouraging me, that… read more
How Strong Men Were Transformed Into Beta Males
Recently, I was invited to spend some time up at Martha’s Vineyard by a couple that we are friends with. At one of the restaurants, I found a peculiar handwritten… read more
Taking The Red Pill Is One Of The Hardest Things A Man Can Do
Chances are if you’re reading this, you’re going through, or have already gone through, a major change in your life. You’re clearly not happy with something, but maybe it’s hard… read more
The 5 Most Decisive Moments In A Man’s Life
There are moments in a man’s life that fundamentally and forever change who he is. Whether for the better or worse, that can be argued. Of these, few are guaranteed… read more
5 Ways Our Modern World Is A Pale Simulation Of The Past
When I was living in Kiev, Ukraine, I was spending a lot of time at business lunch. Essentially, it was a 3-5 course lunch time meal that restaurants in Kiev would do… read more
5 Reasons Why You Should Build Your Own House
Ever since I Found ROK, I took a greater interest in aspects of my life to challenge my greater limits. Twenty one and still living with my dad, I’ve been… read more
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