Men’s Sphere Humor
For want of a lot of good employers.
Four weeks ago Anna Hitchings bravely told her story and the stories of women like her who are in their 30s and can’t find one good marriageable man in For… read more
Courtesy of Instapundit, Jim Treacher explains that Some Critics Like Captain Marvel, and Some Critics Hate Women: I mean, did these morons see the same Captain Marvel I saw? (No,… read more
Revolving door chivalry.
The Daily Mail has a post up for Valentines Day titled The new rules of chivalry: From who pays the bill to paying compliments etiquette expert William Hanson reveals the dos… read more
Weak men are screwing #MeToo up.
Dalrock’s Law of Feminism: Feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems. Via Larry… read more
If Christianity isn’t feminism and courtly love, what is it?
New commenter Tim asks: I’ve come to really enjoy your writing since I first found it about six months ago. I appreciate how you’ve expanded my thinking on many issues…. read more
Something must have scared him off.
Huffington Post warns of a “new dating trend” called mosting in This New Dating Trend Is Even Worse Than Ghosting It’s essentially a subcategory of ghosting, said Tracy Moore, the… read more
How things work.
One of Cane Caldo’s readers suggested that feminists are likely to complain that he hasn’t made his case regarding the term bastard with sufficient detail. Cane responded: I can live… read more
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