Men’s Sphere Humor
Cartoonish chivalry, drill instructor edition.
Simplytimothy linked to the Rules for dating a drill instructor’s daughter. The DI’s daughter has a penchant for thugs. Saying no to his daughter is frightening and therefore out of… read more
Cocky funny fail.
It is all in the execution. I see that Netflix has this movie available for streaming (in the US at least). read more
Does this mean there wasn’t any sobbing?
My wife found a hilarious review of Dunkirk by a feminist named Mehera Bonner at Marie Claire: I Think ‘Dunkirk’ Was Mediocre at Best, and It’s Not Because I’m Some… read more
Two additions to the men’s sphere lexicon.
Cane Caldo coined a hilarious term in his comment on Submission with a twist, and denying rebellion. A concubine is a committed slave who may not leave without her master’s… read more
The race to be first.
This is the story of the brave men who were inspired by Charles Lindbergh’s 1927 transatlantic flight to attempt one of aviation’s greatest triumphs. In 1919 Alcock and Brown were… read more
Sex Cartel!
grerp has an outstanding post titled More on Susan Walsh vs Friedman and Marcotte, where she describes the gradually changing landscape for women due to the sexual revolution: In 1965… read more
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