Reconciling old and new conservative views.
Stephen Green has a post up at Instapundit on the US Submarine force’s failure to meet the needs of women. Not all women who want to serve on submarines are… read more
Complementarianism on women in the military.
Biblical complementarity is not fundamentally about what opportunities women must forgo, but what responsibilities men must take up. — Dr. Jason K. Allen, President of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary As… read more
Courtesy of Instapundit, Jim Treacher explains that Some Critics Like Captain Marvel, and Some Critics Hate Women: I mean, did these morons see the same Captain Marvel I saw? (No,… read more
Revisiting the subject of women and the draft.
The recent court ruling on women and selective service caused me to revisit my 2015 post on the subject, The fantasy of drafting women: We may see selective service changed… read more
A few more Warhorn notes.
I see that I missed a snarky tweet from Warhorn the other day: Dalrock postures and bristles before even listening to our podcast. pic.twitter.com/fUp2jsUgXC — Warhorn Media 📯 (@warhornmedia) February… read more
Warhorn interview: Male responsibility and female agency.
For context see this post. You can also see the whole series. This is I believe our longest exchange, and I’ll apologize in advance for any difficulty my readers have keeping… read more
Won’t someone call out the weight lifters?
One of the core strategies of complementarians is downplaying the importance of the feminist rebellion that defines our age, if not outright pretending that it isn’t happening. This is so… read more
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare
I stumbled across this shirt at Ranger Up the other day, and it struck me that the men we are most likely to associate with modern day knights, SEALs, SAS,… read more
The day chivalry killed chivalry.
Back in January of 2016, Mr. Gabe Jones of Those Catholic Men declared in Women Don’t Deserve Combat that chivalry died on Dec 3, 2015: December 3, 2015 ought to be remembered… read more
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