It would be petty to point out how petty it is.
Commenter PM observed that the feminist fiction spun around Amelia Earhart seems harmless enough: Men are still doing most of jobs that keep civilization going. I don’t see that changing…. read more
The ultimate affront to cartoonish chivalry.
It is bad enough that we force women to join and even lead our military in the real world, but this has gone too far: read more
Sunday Morning Cartoons
In a previous post I introduced the term cartoonish chivalry. Today I want to explain it a bit further, and at the same time explain why we see so much… read more
Piper’s debilitating fear of saying “no” to women.
John Piper wrote in Co-ed Combat and Cultural Cowardice: If I were the last man on the planet to think so, I would want the honor of saying no woman… read more
Collective delusion
The CBMW has responded in a predictable way to the discussion of drafting women. While the Republican candidates are pandering to women by arguing that women should have the right… read more
He was for it before he was against it.
Before the editors of National Review discovered that women as warriors was against natural law, National Review Senior Editor Jonah Goldberg* was delighted with the message of feminist empowerment that… read more
Cowering in front of women.
National Review has a new editorial complaining about the answers from Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, and Marco Rubio on Selective Service registration during the Republican debate on Saturday. They frame… read more
She wanted to run with the bulls.
Drudge has a news story up today about a woman the local Tennessee media celebrated back in July of 2015 for showing that women can be in combat just like… read more
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