Turning a blind eye.
As I explained in my last post, there are powerful incentives for Christian men to turn a blind eye to the sins of women. As we saw previously, Glenn Stanton… read more
No hiatus for solipsism during World War II.
In my last post I quoted from a radio program delivered by Margaret Sanger discussing the hardships women face in marriage and the importance of marriage counseling. Sanger described a… read more
How to cover up a girly Marine cover.
The New York Post touched off a media firestorm two weeks ago with their headline Obama wants Marines to wear ‘girly’ hats. Following the firestorm, there has been a concerted… read more
If women can’t be manly Marines, then manly Marines must wear girly hats.
Current covers left, proposed covers right. Juli Weiner of Vanity Fair mocks the idea that manly Marines would want to remain manly: Marine officers vote on Friday whether they want to… read more
“Offensive” historic nose art safe in the Air Force National Museum for the time being.
Drudge linked to a story today titled Navy Will Inspect Its Bathrooms for ‘Degrading’ Images of Women. There isn’t really anything new about military policy in the basic article; women… read more
The Long March of Envy.
Italian Paratrooper from the Folgore Brigade While the official claim is that integrating women into combat roles is to provide the largest possible pool of capable forces to draw from,… read more
Fantasy vs reality.
Fantasy: She’ll kick your butt …experts on fitness and on women in the military say the past two decades have shown that being female is not the biggest barrier to… read more
Feminist territory marking.
The latest round of debate about women in combat has helped me understand something which had previously left me perplexed. Feminists have two primal desires which work cross purpose. They… read more
Feminist scavenger hunt.
The feminist fantasy always runs the same way. A tough no nonsense woman tries to break in to an all male sphere. To prove herself she must first pass, no,… read more
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