What Television Does To Your Mind
Cable television is a blue pill pacifier of mind control and psychological conditioning. Within my own personal life, I’ve noticed a direct correlation between the amount of television somebody watches… read more
What The Movie Memento Teaches Us About Achieving Our Goals
In Christopher Nolan’s movie, Memento, the protagonist, Leonard, is attacked in his home. His wife is killed and he is injured. He remembers everything until the aggression, but beyond that,… read more
What Is Your True Identity?
One thing men commonly have trouble with is self-doubt, particularly as it pertains to game. They struggle to work up the nerve to talk with women and wonder if it’s… read more
Marijuana Makes Men Stupid And Lazy
Legalization of marijuana is a thorny topic. Acceptance has gone further than it did even during the 1970s. Statewide legalization (Colorado and some others) will prove to be interesting experiments…. read more
How To “Program” Yourself To Be More Charismatic
A couple of weeks ago, I discussed several basic techniques to increase your charisma. These techniques were all strictly “mechanical”: ways to gesture and speak that give one the appearance… read more
How To Control Your Emotional State
The follow article was sponsored by The Pragmatist’s Guide To Life. Whenever you allow yourself to feel or be objected to an emotional state that does not bring you closer… read more
How Meditation Saved My Life
I grew up in Philly, which set me on a track to live life fast. To survive, I learned the skill of being able to figure people out in a… read more
Do You Have A Loser Mindset?
One of the most important characteristics of the manosphere is our drive for improvement. We strive to improve our physical strength, mental strength, relationships, friends, and family. We strive to… read more
How To Use Social Engineering To Get What You Want And Become A Better Leader
Social Engineering is defined as an act of psychological manipulation of a human being. Generally, it is using “soft skills” to get others to do or give you what you… read more
Depression Is A Lie: Expose It By Asking These Questions
The following article is sponsored by Man’s Guide To Well-Being. Depression is a liar. It has no soul, no conscience. If depression was a person, it would be among the… read more
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